Oleon Celebrates Grand Opening of Conroe Facility
July 7, 2023
Oleon, a Belgium-based company specializing in natural chemistry, celebrated the grand opening of their Conroe facility on June 29. The Conroe Park North plant is Oleon’s first industrial production facility in North America.
Dozens of Oleon employees, customers, and community leaders attended the event to welcome Oleon and learn more about the world-class company. Company and city representatives offered remarks celebrating Oleon’s presence in Conroe.
“It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the inauguration of our first plant in North America,” said Oleon Director of Global Accounts and Customer Intimacy Tim Rush. “This facility represents a significant milestone on our journey. Our newest community, Conroe, will share in our success.”
“This is an exciting day. Conroe continues to bring good companies like Oleon here,” added Conroe Mayor Jody Czajkoski. “We thank you for the jobs you will bring and the investment you have already made. We want to be stewards of Oleon’s success in Conroe.”
Oleon CEO Moussa Naciri expresses his appreciation for Conroe's economic climate with CEDC Executive Director Danielle Scheiner (pictured left) and Deputy Director Laura Lea Palmer.
Oleon’s processes convert natural fats and oils into oleochemicals, which combine high performance and biodegradability. The redesigned Conroe plant will produce sustainable oleochemicals and help Oleon distribute them across the United States. Oleon’s natural chemistry ingredients are utilized to help produce automotive lubricants, crop protection, cosmetics, detergents, and other sustainable products that make our modern better.
The company indicates the initial investment of $55 million is just the beginning of their Conroe story. While early focus will be on blending operations, Oleon has ambitious plans for facility expansion. Oleon’s final message to the audience was one of gratitude and promise about the company’s journey and future.
“I would like to express my appreciation to the people, internal and external, that helped Oleon start these operations far from home. I wish a long and prosperous life to Oleon Conroe,” offered Oleon CEO Moussa Naciri during closing comments.
Scheiner, Palmer and CEDC Associate Director Jennifer Matthews (pictured right) celebrated Oleon and toured the new facility, including a research and development lab.