CEDC and Visit Conroe Celebrate Our Interns on National Intern Day
July 28, 2022
The CEDC and Visit Conroe are marking National Intern Day 2022 by celebrating our interns, Debbie Chu and Kendall Woolley.
Through a paid summer internship with the City of Conroe, Woolley has worked alongside tourism and economic development professionals to help produce photography and video content for social media and websites. Visit Conroe was responsible for hiring her and housed her in their offices.
“I’ve loved working with Visit Conroe and developing relationships with each of them,” said Woolley. “The staff is very welcoming, and it’s been so fun getting to do social media content.”
She also gained perspective on the inner workings of a municipality.
“It’s been such a cool experience working for the City of Conroe,” said Woolley. “Each department is so different and works separately but comes together to help each other in awesome ways, like at the 4th of July event.”
Chu joined the CEDC and Visit Conroe for two weeks as part of Education for Tomorrow Alliance (EfTA)’s student internship program. Each day she was introduced to a new aspect of local government through attending meetings, going on tours, visiting other departments and buildings, and spending time with various staff and business community members.
“Being an intern has been such an amazing experience,” said Chu. “The CEDC and Visit Conroe have been super kind in helping me learn as much as I can. I’m impressed with how government works together, and the heart of service shown by the city staff is really inspiring to me.”
Moving forward, Chu and Woolley will take their internship experiences with them and look for ways to incorporate what they learned into their lives.
“After spending time with CEDC and Visit Conroe, I know that I want to get my Associates in Marketing because I can see myself doing what they’re doing,” said Woolley. “I live in Conroe but never knew all these places existed, and now after working here, I’ve seen things and learned so much more about where I live. Now, I’m in the know and get to take my friends to those cool places!”
“I eventually want to work in government, so seeing how all the parts fit together and gaining the knowledge through this experience will be helpful in the future,” said Chu. “I understand now that it’s living and breathing for the community’s benefit, not just a job.”
We couldn’t agree more.
Thank you, interns, for a great summer!