TexasOne Returns from Japan Trade and Business Investment Mission
October 13, 2016
Last week, TexasOne, the Office of the Governor and business and economic development leaders from across the state returned from a successful mission to Japan.
Spanning three days and two cities, the Texas delegation, including Greater Conroe Economic Development Executive Director Fred Welch, attended 13 appointments with more than 400 targeted business executives and key decision makers to strengthen Texas-Japan ties and share the “Texas Wide Open for Business” message. Trip highlights also included visits to two large current investors: Toyota Motor Corporation and Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation.
The mission began in Tokyo on October 3, where the 23-member delegation received a Commercial Services Briefing at the U.S. Embassy, joined the American Chamber of Commerce Japan for breakfast and co-hosted an “Invest in Texas” seminar at the Japan External Trade Organization headquarters that was attended by more than 200 business leaders.
The delegation then traveled to the Aichi Prefecture and its capital city of Nagoya, a prominent Japanese manufacturing and shipping hub. There, the delegation met with Governor Ohmura and the Aichi Prefecture Government to strengthen our international relationship.
In both Tokyo and Nagoya, the delegation conducted multiple business receptions to share Texas’ business advantages with approximately 150 business representatives.
The Texas mission has generated worldwide media attention, including interviews with two of Japan’s largest daily newspapers, Yomiuri Shimbun and Nikkei, as well as with Fuji Sankei Business i, Jiji Press, Kyodo News and JETRO Global Eye. This international media coverage is projected to result in more than 97 million media impressions in the U.S. and Japan. Click here to read the press release.
This mission would not have been possible without the Texas delegation that joined us in Japan. We would like to thank the following delegates for helping to make this mission a true success:
10/35 Economic Development Alliance
American Electric Power
Brownsville Economic Development Council
Dallas Regional Chamber
Frisco Economic Development Corporation
Greater Conroe Economic Development Council
Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce
Greater San Marcos Partnership
Plano Economic Development
Representative Geanie Morrison
Representative Jason Villalba
Richardson Chamber of Commerce
Texas Central Partners
Victoria Economic Development Corporation