FedEx Freight Distribution Center Planned for Conroe Park North
November 6, 2017
FedEx Freight is the latest company to announce a project located in Conroe Park North. The company has entered into a lease agreement for a new distribution service center that plans to open by the end of 2018. FedEx Freight will be leasing the building from land owner, Scannell Properties.
The new facility will be approximately 78,000 square feet and sit on more than 45 acres in the industrial park. An estimated 96 full-time jobs and more than 30 part-time jobs will be created when the service center opens. The capital investment of the project is estimated to be nearly $21 million.
The project received an eight year tax abatement from Montgomery County. The Category C abatement was unanimously approved during County Commissioner’s Court on October 24th.
In addition to the financial incentives, FedEx Freight sees Conroe as a natural spot for the company’s growth. In a statement provided by the company, a developed infrastructure and a qualified workforce are a couple appealing reasons to locate in Conroe.
“The site was chosen because of its ease of access to major highways, proximity to customers, and a strong local community workforce. This addition to our network will allow us to continue to lead the Less than Load (LTL) industry, as FedEx Freight Priority has the fastest published transit times of any nationwide LTL service,” according to the company statement.
The Conroe Economic Development Council (Conroe EDC) pitched Conroe assets to court the company. Scheiner pointed to ongoing infrastructure improvements and a local customer base as major reasons FedEx Freight ultimately decided on Conroe.
“With customers already in Conroe Park North and capital improvement projects underway to improve the roads surrounding the park, this was a natural destination for FedEx Freight,” said Conroe EDC Interim Director, Danielle Scheiner.
According to Scheiner, the pursuit of the project began back in November 2015. Eventually Conroe was chosen among three finalists for the project.
“This project has been a couple years in the making,” added Scheiner. “It took the hard work and collaborative effort of the city, county, and Conroe EDC to land FedEx Freight. We expect the company will be great partners for Conroe and we all look forward to their facility opening next year.”