Conroe EDC, Manufacturers Host Forum with Congressman Kevin Brady
December 20, 2019
CONROE, TEXAS (December 20, 2019) – The Conroe Economic Development Council (CEDC) and Conroe Manufacturing Companies (CMC) welcomed United States Congressman Kevin Brady as the featured speaker for the consortium’s Manufacturing Forum held at the Lone Star Convention and Expo Center on October 4.
The forum, sponsored by Newpark Drilling Fluids, provided an opportunity for a detailed conversation with Congressman Brady on events taking shape in the federal legislature effecting manufacturing. Specific topics covered include the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), healthcare, and workforce development.
“We appreciate Congressman Brady’s time and insight into the many items impacting the local economic climate, specifically manufacturing,” offered CEDC Executive Director Danielle Scheiner. “I applaud the Conroe Manufacturing Companies for coordinating this event and facilitating a conversation with Congressman Brady. Conroe is blessed to have business and local leaders so dedicated to making Conroe a premier business environment.”
CMC is a cooperative network of Conroe manufacturing companies with shared common objectives. Through networking and discussion, these companies share best practices in health, safety, environmental, community involvement, lean manufacturing, employee engagement, government advocacy and workforce development.
Networks like CMC are common in many areas, but newly formed in Conroe. Eric Lookofsky, Senior Plant Manager at Newpark in Conroe, helped create the CMC based on his involvement with similar organizations.
“CMC has found that by forming working committees comprised of each company’s internal expertise, we can improve our collective performance,” said Lookofsky. “Through shared conversation we discover challenges, such as our human resource departments’ attempt to recruit top talent in a fully employed marketplace. The CMC brings together important stakeholders to address those challenges.”
Lookofsky also believes that the creation of the CMC opens the door for leadership and executives to continue growing Conroe into a leading destination.
“A big driver of CMC is the opportunity for senior leadership to network and directly share ideas that ultimately help make Conroe a great place to live and work.”
The next CMC forum will be held in the spring. The group is planning on providing a report from the human resource committee, as well as more discussion on workforce training.